
Customer Testimonials

Tell us what you think. Would you recommend us to others? Your feedback is highly appreciated. Please leave your testimonial below. Thanks.

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Amazing experience, highly recommend.

By Holly J on 10 November 2020 

Amazing customer services, went above and beyond. Very friendly and nothing was too much trouble. Very Happy with my experience and would definitely recommend and also use again. 5 star and more service for sure!! X

Bought my first car

By Laura B on 16 January 2021 

Very helpful on the phone and in person and quick service. Showed us how to work everything in the car. Very polite and friendly would definitely recommended

Donny motor group

By Joe S on 07 February 2021 

Excellent friendly and professional service throughout, very greatful for the help. Great company!


By Holly M on 16 February 2021 

Bought my first car from here and the servicing, customer service, pricing etc is perfect. The gentlemen there were so lovely, had my Red Fiat for about 2 months now and everything is running amazingly. No faults no worries no nothing. I would recommend this place definitely.

Great service and would recommend

By Mick R on 16 February 2021

Good experience, seller stayed open late for us to view. Friendly, no problems. Would recommend and deal with again

Brilliant service!

By Jack Conner F on 18 March 2021 

Brilliant service and couldn’t do enough to help and work round me (the customer) especially in these hard times. Would definitely recommend and perhaps will be using again in the distant future if lucky enough! Thanks guys!

excellent service

By Ronald L on 26 March 2021 

bought car 26/03/2021 at doncaster/cherry treelane. great service ,all sorted very guickly.ross did me a great favour changing old car/new car tax am 73 so not that good.on computors,took all that hassle off me.,made every thing easy, well done ross and his brother top marks.

Friendly, effortless purchase of a new car.

By Martyn W on 03 April 2021 

Helpful staff, but with a professional approach. They were happy for me to take a test drive on my own. Allowed to inspect the car anywhere I wanted. They offered a decent price in part-exchange without having to haggle. They were helpful with completing the paperwork for the sale. Very pleased with the whole process, and would recommend them to anyone.

All in all an excellent job all round.

By Samantha Claire Walton Gibson on 20 July 2022 

Allowed to browse without feeling pressurised but someone in immediate attention when questions arose. Actual sale etc. very efficiently dealt with.